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Showing posts from June, 2021
  Bob’s Bytes – Cloudy Forecast (Using the Cloud to your Advantage) By Bob Dawes     What is the cloud?   That depends! 1)     The cloud is any data you access over the internet. 2)     The cloud is the network of servers that collectively make up the internet 3)     The cloud is storing information somewhere else 4)     The cloud is really the network or the internet It’s really hard to define other than to say that if the data you’re accessing via your computer isn’t stored on your local hard drive then it is in the cloud.   The cloud isn’t really a central spot but a hard drive somewhere else that you access remotely. How can you use the cloud? ·          Online backup services (iDrive, Backblaze, Carbonite, Google backup) ·          Synchronizing files between computers (Google Photos, Google Docs, Office 365, Evernote) ·          Chromebook computers ·          Extending your storage   (Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft One-Drive) ·          Big Geneal